Scientific Calculator Apk

UpdatedJun 10, 2014
App bymamuso
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The Scientific Calculator app, called CalcAndroid, is a modern version of the calculators you are familiar with. With a display of 10 digits and a 2-digit exponent, this calculator can handle numbers ranging from -9.9e99 to 9.9e99. It supports all the typical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and allows for virtually infinite brackets to be used. Additionally, it has power functions such as n-power, n-root, square, square root, and cubic root, as well as logarithmic functions like log10, ln, 10 power, and exp. The app also offers single value memory, trigonometric functions (including inverse and hyperbolic), three angle modes (deg, rad, gra), a random number generator, PI constant, permutation (nPr), and combinatorial number (nCr). Visit to provide feedback on the app.

Older Versions [Apk]
Scientific Calculator-1.28