MyBook: books and audiobooks Apk

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MyBook is a convenient app that allows you to read and listen to a wide range of books and audiobooks. With a free trial period of 14 days, you can access new items daily, save books for offline reading, and receive personalized recommendations. The app also offers full synchronization across multiple devices, allowing you to access your content wherever you go. You can also make use of features like quotes, notes, and ratings, as well as explore curated collections of the best books. Additionally, the app offers two subscription options: Standard, which provides access to a limited catalog, and Premium, which offers access to a limited catalog and one book per month from the rental collection. The Premium subscription includes a 14-day free trial and convenience of automatic renewal. MyBook is compatible with Android 6 and later versions. For any queries or support, you can reach out to the tech support team at [email protected].